The process of acquiring these mutations is a natural one. Every living organism accumulates mutations throughout its life, and we are no different. Our body takes great care to minimise the effects of these mutations by trying as far as possible to contain it, repair it or in the worst case scenario, kill the affected cell. But now and then in some unfortunate individual, the mechanisms that maintain this secure functioning of the cells is itself modified by mutation and cancer sets in. In the simplest form that one can explain … that is how cancer occurs. About 66% cancer-causing mutations are said to be due to “bad luck”, the rest can be tied to specific carcinogens, such as tobacco, UV radiation, or other chemicals. Cell phone radiation or other forms of radio wave as most people think however does not cause cancer.
Most people may consider cancer to be a recent illness, that it is the result of industrialisation or westernisation. It’s a common misconception. The truth is that cancer is almost as old as life itself. There are archaeological pieces of evidence to show that even dinosaurs had suffered from cancer. The older you get, the more likely you are to suffer from cancer. Cancer is more or less a genetic disease, in the sense that its cause lies in your genome because some mutation in your genetic code will cause cells to divide uncontrollably causing cancer.
There are over 200 types of cancer. Breast, uterine, oral, lung and prostate cancers are some of the most common ones in India. We now have more cases of cancer showing up then we did in the past because people live longer as compared to before, so they acquire more mutations and thus live long enough to see the cancer set in. I look at it as a cruel joke of nature. At the same time, the constant struggle of researchers has led to the development of better methods of cancer detection and prevention. It is most unfortunate that despite the availability of preventive and prophylactic procedures to detect early cancers or prevent it all together, people continue not to take advantage of these resources that their disposal.
People are often aware of tests and procedures such as breast self-examination, pap smears, and colonoscopy and the role it plays in early detection of cancer, but they yet never get one done. The problem lies in the fact that people underestimate the risk they are under even or it may just be a simple matter of priority. It has also been seen that many times women will not get the tests done due to psychological barriers such as body image related issues.
With the lack of advance therapies in India, it becomes necessary for the public to focus on prevention instead of cure, for prevention is in the hand and reach of every individual. It is necessary to find time from one’s busy schedule to spend a few minutes to carry out the tests, exams or procedures to ensure that one is in perfect health, not just with regards to cancer but all other diseases too. There is a good chance of survival if a tumour is detected sooner rather than later and as per Tata Memorial Center statistics, most people come in way too late when cancer causes significant discomfort in the late stages. In today's world, every person is at risk of cancer in some way or the other.
- Colonoscopy is one of the common procedures that involves examination of the colon using an endoscope. It is a procedure recommended to be conducted every 10 years beginning at the age of 50. The procedure helps detect intestinal polyps that may eventually lead to colon cancer in about 10-15years. If such polyps are detected they can be removed during the procedure itself.
- Pap smear/HPV test is a recommended for women between the ages of 21-65 years of age. It takes a smear sample of the cervical region and the cells obtained are examined under a microscope to visualise potentially pre-cancerous cells. This helps detect cervical cancer before it sets in. Ideally recommended for all sexually active women.
- Breast/testicular self-examination is the examination of one's own respective organs in a specific manner to detect abnormalities in the form of lumps, swelling, skin texture, discharge, etc. The way these tests are to be conducted are easily available on the internet and can be learnt by anyone. There are no recommendations to conduct testicular self-examination and there is significant debate regarding breast self-examination. The test never the less should be conducted routinely since one has nothing to lose. One must be careful to note that all lumps are not cancerous, some randomly occur during monthly hormonal cycles and disappear.
· Aside from routine tests and good diet also plays an essential role in cancer prevention. One must focus on high fibre and as natural a diet as possible. It must consist of raw and cooked vegetables and fruits. Processed foods are one of the biggest and most bad culprits of a variety of diseases including cancer.
The approach to prevent cancer is a multifaceted one and something that can be easily accomplished. Cancer may not be prevented altogether, but its risk can be reduced. Even today suffering from cancer is no joke. Cancer survivors are rightfully hailed as “survivors”. Better medicine for cancer is on its way. The revolution of genetic medicine is fast catching up and will soon arrive in India. It is just a matter of time before we begin to use better drugs that take advantage of the cancers mutated genome and use it against cancer itself. Cancer is a genetic disease and its cure lies in the genome itself.
By Raghuvir Keni
By Raghuvir Keni
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